The Future of Human(ity)

Varied in media and approach, the works in this exhibition reflect changes in our experiences with nature, home, education, gender, and biotechnology. Works include drawings combined with projection, screenprints that utilize design conventions of past futurist movements to present visions of a possible present, obstinately hand-made paintings with hand-stitched elements, and an interactive computer program where the viewer can create a human of their own design. 

I have had the pleasure of being asked to participate in this upcoming exhibition. My piece 'Home-grown' speaks to global defence on laboratory grown, genetically modified foods as a current everyday reality. The future only promises a Corporation driven food market endorsing the 'growth' of food as a commercial multi-billion dollar for-profit business grounded in the control and governance of all human existence. Home-grown comments on the future necessity of small self-sustaining food production as a mandatory practice of human survival. 

Participating artists:

Andrew Ackerman, Christine Charette, Marcus Fessler, Brianna Hachez-Lagacé, Jaymie Lathem, Sarah Marinelli, Laura Peturson, Alex Landon Richardson, Heather Saunders and Imogen Wilson.