OAC Northern Arts Grant

I am very pleased to announce that I am a successful applicant of the Ontario Arts Council Northern Arts Grant. A big thank you to the OAC for all of their support to not only myself but all Northern Arts and Artists. A big congrats to all my fellow Northern Arts Grant recipients. 


Vernissage - Musee de la Gare

I am happy to announce my exhibition opening 'Vernissage' at the Musee de la Gare in Temiscaming, Quebec along side fellow artist Maire-Pierre Lortie.

I will be showing new drawings on mylar along with some 3 dimensional drawings on small houses that have never exhibited before.

Come hang out with me opening night on Thursday June 30 from 5pm-7pm. Musee de la Gare 15 Humphrey Street, Temiscaming, Quebec.

Exhibition will be up until the end of August.